29 To Derby:- Messrs E. Green, R. E. Searle, F. W. Lake & H. R. Williams To Aston Villa:- Messrs C. S. Baxter, E. Geen, F. W. Lake & H. R. Williams. R. Groves Agreed that Sub-Committee should consider this employee's position at their next meeting. Everton F. C. (Hants) Agreed that a Donation of Two Guineas be made to this Club as a gesture of our willingness to help them. Players to follow Left to Secy. to arrange, Mr. W. C. Gibbins having offered to see Windle & Mr. W. R. Williams, Hughes of Shrewsbury. Next Meeting Tuesday, Sept 16 at 4 pm. at Xchange Hotel. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman