ALLOCATION OF PRACTICE MATCH RECEIPTS 1947. £ s. d. Royal Liverpool United Hospitals 100 0 0 Cancer Hospital 25 0 0 Bootle Hospital 25 0 0 St. John Ambulance Brigade 25 0 0 Lancashire Football Assocn. Benevolent Fund 25 0 0 Liverpool County Football Assocn. Benevolent Fund 25 0 0 Lifeboat Institution 20 0 0 St. Paul's Eye Hospital 10 0 0 Liverpool Eye & Ear Hospital 10 0 0 Childrens Infirmary 10 0 0 Maternity Hospital 10 0 0 Waterloo Generall Hospital 10 0 0 Womens Hospital 10 0 0 National Institute for the Blind 10 0 0 Home for Incurables 10 0 0 The Hahnemann Hospital 10 0 0 Liverpool Police-Aided Clothing Society 10 0 0 Liverpool Referees Assocn. Benevolent Fund 10 0 0 National Union of Journalists Benevolent Fund 10 0 0 Football League Secretaries & Managers Assocn. 10 0 0 Deaf & Dumb Institute 5 0 0 Wallasey Central Hospital 5 0 0 Wallasey Cottage Hospital 5 0 0 Liverpool Heart Hospital 5 0 0 Queen Victoria Nursing Assocn. 5 0 0 Bluecoat Hospital 5 0 0 Liverpool Orphange 5 0 0 Liverpool Dental Hospital 5 0 0 Y.M.C.A. 5 0 0 Limbless Ex—Servicemens Assocn. 3 19 6 ____________ £423 19 6 ____________ C. S. Baxter