
		INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT									for year ended 5th May, 1951

19,738	12  0  To Players’ Wages				20,026	 3  0	83,648 19 9	By Gates Receipts	75,892	1  3
 3,912	10  0  "  Players’ Benefit				10,800	 0  0			" Proceeds of Matches				
 1,600	 0  0  "  Players’ Transfer Fees			12,635	10  0	13,131 19 3	  Played Away		8,407	2 10	84,299	4  1
   713  18  3  "  Medical Fees					   640	 5 10						_____________
15,573	 3 10  "  Gate Division to Visitors			 9,072 	18  3	 5,415 14 0	" Season Tickets			10,098 18  0
14,003	14  7  "  Travelling & Match Expenses			11,060	 8  7
 1,335	14 11  "  Advertising, Billposting, Printing & Stat., 	 1,281 	10  9	 1,634  8 5	" Programmes & Sublets			 1,648 11  1
 3,354  13  5  "  Gate Expenses					 3,130 	13 10	    	
 2,435  15  4  "  Training Expenses				 3,130 	14  8	     1  7 6	" Share Transfer Fee			     4 15  0
 5,107	14  5  "  Ground Expenses				 8,839	14  3
   605   3  7  "  National Insurance				   622	19  3	     -	- -	" Excess Expenditure over Income	 10,289	8  7
   329  14  2  "  Rents						   327	12  2
 3,090  19  0  "  Rates						 3,145	14  8
 7,264	 1  0  "  Income Tax Sch. 'A'				 1,344	 3  0
   925	 2  7  "  Lighting & Heating				 1,125	12  0
  449	10  3  "  Telephone					   481	 6  4
  496 	14 11  "  Insurance					   385	11  3
 7,543	 6  2  "  Entertainment Tax				 7,370	 9  9
 4,794	 2  6  "  Office Expenses				 4,539	17  0
   275	10  3  "  Bank Interest & Commission			   619 	19  3
   877	 8  6  "  Players' Requisites				 1,369	 8  1
 3,203	13  8  "  League Percentages, subs. & contributions	 3,505	 2  7
   384	12  6  "  Legal Cost & Accountancy			   378	12  3
   344  10  0  "  Pensions					   506	10  0
92,360	 5  	10					       106,340  16  9
11,472	 3	 1  "  Excess of Income over Expenditure	--  -- 	-- --
103,832  8 	11					      £106,340  16  9	£103,832 8 11						£106,340 16 9
__________________					     _________________	______________						______________