
			Rea Metal Casements:-
				Bullens Rd.		£44.11.0  approx
				Gwladys St. Basement	 71.17.9     do
				  do	     Upper	 75. 4.9     do
			W. Flanagan & Sons	       {191.13.6}
				All wire guard work, without fitting
		costs, £219.12.0.
			Mr. Leitch had attended, viewed the
		additional damage since Sept. 1940 & was
		now preparing our full Claim for the War
		Damage Commission. In his opinion, there was
		no possibility of obtaining permission for maintenance
		materials sufficient to employ our joiner through-
		out the year.
			Mr. R. E. Searle promised to contact
		the City Surveyor's department, with the view
		of a visit from a member of his staff.

Junior Grounds		Capt. T. Percy's letter was read.

Chester F. C.		Correspondence was read from Sir
		Thomas Brocklebank, but the Board re-affirmed
		their previous offer of £50.

W. Lowe			Secy. reported that Mr. Diggle had
		reported favourably on the condition of this player's
		broken leg; that he was now in a private ward
		in Walton Hospital, & that application had been
		made for compensation under term's of the Amateur
		Player's Policy.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, November 23, 4.45 pm. at Xchange Hotel.

						Confirmed as correct.
						Wm. C. Gibbins
							Nov. 23/43