Briefly what the Committee recommend is that arrangements be made as soon as possible for the preparing and painting of the Facade and front supports of the Goodison Road Stand during next close season. That the roof and broken windows of the south double decker stand be repaired as soon as possible (the sooner the better) in order to make the stand weather proof, the painting is not urgent. The seats on the Bullens Rd, Stand to be attended to at once, faulty seats to be removed. All windows and skylights together with the gratings to be attended to immediately, and Mr Kelly to get in touch with Royal Insurance Co, and discuss this matter in the light of public safety. Gladys St Stand to have all apertures leading on to the street boarded up and made secure. It was mentioned that both the painter and the joiner who were employed on the ground prior to the war are working on local{ly} house repairs and might possibly be available for us if we can get permission from the proper authority to put the repairs mentioned in hand. {Crush Barriers every where should be maintained in good order.}