As a matter of public safety is involved here it was suggested Mr Kelly immediately get in touch with the Royal Insurance Coy with a view to getting their inspector down and discussing the situation on the spot, it was thought by doing this matters might be speeded up a little. The damage to the underparts or base of this stand is complicated and would require professional inspection. For long term consideration it was noted that the whole of the corrugated iron sheeting covering the sides and end of the stand are deteriorating, we were informed it was painted about 12 years ago, it will need immediate post war attention, the whole of the crush barriers on this side of the ground need paint. —GLADYS STREET STAND- --------------------- The damage to this stand is both serious and extensive, and is too big a job to be considered at present, or by non professional men, but it was thought advisable that the portions abutting the street, turnstile gates, Etc should be securely boarded up to keep out the youths who are, or were, strippings the fittings. As suggested by Mr Green the Com inspected the seats on the stand, they are all in first class order in regard to construction but most of the varnish with which they were first treated has perished, it was not thought possible to do anything in respect to this at present, incidentally all the fitments of these seats are wooden and in good order. - PRACTICE GROUND - ------------------- This ground, Mr Kelly informs us, is still tenanted by the Balloon Unit at £1 per week, the hoarding especially at the Bullens Rd side is in a very bad state, only 2 strands of barbed wire protecting the ground, there are some concrete emplacements still there and 2 air raid shelters at the west end, there is a covering of ashes over the old playing space and a lot of renovation will be necessary before the ground is usable for its old purpose.