Ground Committee inspection of ground Tuesday 12th Oct,1943. Messrs Evans, Searle, and Williams, accompanied by the Secretary and Groundsman, -GOODISON ROAD STAND- --------------------- This Stand is in very good order both structurally and in respect of paint, with the exception of the Facade, which badly needs painting, the principal front supporting columns, which are H" iron dressed with cement and made hexagonal in shape could also do with a coat of paint, in some parts the cement dressing has fallen off but to no great extent. It was thought that both the Facade and the front supports could be painted at the same time next summer. Proper preparation to be made including the burning off of all old paint from the woodwork. None of the repairs is due to war damage. — SOUTH DOUBLE DECKER - ) --------------------- This Stand has several holes in the roof, which is of sheet iron, and many of the windows are broken, with the consequence that the weather is taking a heavy toll of some of the ironwork, more especially at the junctions of the laterals and the uprights. It was thought that a sort of first aid treatment might be applied to this stand, the holes in the roof to be repaired or new sheets be inserted, and all the broken windows put right thus making the stand weather proof, the question of painting this stand could then be left over for further consideration. The repairs are due to war damage. Incidentally this stand was due for attention when war broke out. -BULLENS ROAD STAND- -------------------- Many of the seats on this stand are in need of repair, they all have the old type of fitment, those fitted with the new type are all in excellent order, we are informed by the groundsman that there are enough of the new type of fitment in stock to repair all of the broken seats, it was thought if labour could be procured these repairs be put in hand at once, in the meantime all the faulty ones be dismantled and returned into stock. The roof, which is of the cement asbestos type is perforated in a good many places, mostly by shrapnel, and in some places the stand floods during heavy rains, but by far the most serious side of the damage is to the windows and skylights and their protective gratings, most of the gratings are insecure and liable to fall into the street below, the same applies to the skylights.