5 [Meeting held at Goodison Park, Liverpool, Tuesday, July 20, 1943] Present :- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, W. R. Williams, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle & Secy. Minutes of Meetings held on July 9th were read & confirmed. Finance Bank Balance £21,211.3.11 Dr. Chairman It was unanimously agreed that Mr. W. C. Gibbins be re-elected for the coming year. Finance Committee Mr. W. R. Williams was unanimously elected Chairman & it was agreed that all Members of the Board should constitute the committee, thus enabling any who could remain after the regular Board Meetings, to take part in this work. Ground Committee The following were elected :- Messrs G. Evans, W. R. Williams & R. E. Searle. Quorum It was agreed that a quorum be constit- uted by the presence of 3 Members. H. G. Trantom A letter was read from this Architect referring to Drawings & Bills of Quantities prepared by him in 1938 for which he suggested some payment be made on account. It was agreed that the Chairman & Secretary meet Mr. Trantom & settle the matter in a satisfactory manner. F. A. Memorandum A copy of this was produced, & it was decided that the Directors be provided with a copy each for their due consideration. Apropos the distinctive operations of the Football Association & the Football League, it was decided that the Secretary should draw up a comparative article for the information of the Directors.