The Everton Football Club Co Ltd. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Company held at the Law Association Rooms Cook street Liverpool on Friday the 9th July 1943 Present Mr. W. C. Gibbins (chairman) Mr. G. Evans Mr. W. R. Williams Mr. R. R. Turnbull Mr. R. E. Searle Mr. E. Green Mr. W. C. Cuff also Mr. J. C. Bryson Solicitor {& H. W. Bowler, Accountant & 32 Shareholders.} After the reading of the notice convening the meeting by Mr. Bryson it was decided that the press should be admitted. The Directors report was given by the Chairman who also explained and commented on the accounts and balance sheet and after the reading by Mr. Bowler of the Auditors report it was moved by the chairman and seconded by Mr. W. R. Williams that the accounts and balance sheets as presented be passed and approved. This was carried unanimously. It was proposed by Mr. Green and seconded by Mr. Turnbull that a dividend for the 3 years to 22nd May 1943 at the rate of 7½% per annum (less income tax) be approved. This proposition was also carried unanimously. It was proposed by Mr. Alexander and seconded by Mr. Lomax that the Auditors Messrs. T. Theodor Rogers Bowler & Co. be re-elected that Auditors of the Company for the ensuing year, {at the same fee as last year W. C. G.}. This also was carried unanimously. There being no other nominations the chairman declared that the retiring Directors Mr. Ernest Green Dr. C. S. Baxter and Capt. Thomas Percy be re-elected for the ensuing 3 years. Mr. Green on his own behalf and Mr. Gibbins on behalf of Dr. Baxter and Capt. Percy returned thanks to the share-holders for their re-election. A vote of thanks to the Directors and officers was proposed by Mr. Lake and seconded by Mr. Alexander and carried with acclamation. Mr. W. C. Cuff returned thanks on behalf of the Directors. There were present 39 share-holders (including the above named Directors). Wm. C. Gibbins July 20/43.