Everton Football Club Co. Ltd
Minutes of the meeting of the Directors held at the Exchange
Hotel Liverpool on Friday the 9th July 1943
Present Mr. W. C. Gibbins
Mr. G. Evans )
Mr. W. R. Williams )
Mr. R. R. Turnbull )
Mr. R. E. Searle ) Directors
Mr. E. Green )
Mr. W. C. Cuff )
also Mr. J. C. Bryson Solicitor
and Mr. Bowler Accountant.
The minutes of the previous Directors meeting
were read and confirmed.
It was decided to recommend to the share-holders
a dividend at the rate of 7½% less tax for the three pastyears
and that the proposal should be made by Mr. Green and seconded
by Mr. Turnbull.
The chairman Mr. Green and Mr. Cuff gave to the
meeting short reports of the meetings of the League Management
Committee which they had attended in London.
Reference was made to the indisposition of the
Secretary Mr. Theo Kelly and the grant of special leave of
absence from the 30th June to 14th July and it was decided that
Mr. Bryson should deal with the Secretarial work at the share-
holders meeting.
It as decided that the next Directors meeting
should be held at Goodison Park on Tuesday the 20th July at
5 p.m.
W. C. Gibbins
July 20/43