
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park,
			L'pool, Tuesday, June 1, 1943]

		Present :- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, Dr. C. S. Baxter,
			G. Evans, W. R. Williams, R. R. Turnbull, R. E. Searle & Secy.

			Minutes of the Meeting of the 18th May were
		read & confirmed.
			Bank Balance was reported to be £21,281.5.3 Dr.

Accounts &		Mr. Chas. Bowler attended & presented the
Balance Sheet	Accounts & Balance Sheet, & after discussion it was
		agreed that:-
			The Amount due from Sundry Debtors
		be valued for the purpose of the Balance Sheet at
			A Depreciation of 10% be written off
		all Stands, Hoardings & Erections Amounting
		to £3,407.
			The Amount expended on Clothing
		& Stores be written off the Income &
		Expenditure A/c.
			The Statement of Accounts, Profit &
		Loss Account & Balance Sheet be approved.
			Payment of Dividend on the Paid up
		Capital of the Company, be approved for a retrospective
		period of 3 years.

Annual General		It was agreed that this be held at
Meeting		the Law Association Rooms, on Friday, July 9th,
		at 7 pm.

Football League		Various circulars were read, from the
A. G. M.	Football League offices, & it was agreed that we
		offer the following suggestions :-
			(a) That should the situation warrant re-
		consideration of player's wages during a playing