6.—WAGES AND AGREEMENTS. Recommendation 18 (WAGES). That the maximum wage be £7 in Close season and £9 in Playing season (majority vote). A strong minority favoured £6 and £8, plus cost-of-living bonus. PRESENT REGULATIONS— STIPULATIONS AS TO WAGES.— MAXIMUM WAGE. wages to the last-mentioned sum during the current 59.—(a) The maximum wage, except as hereinafter season. provided shall be £5 per week, with annual rises of £1 per week to a maximum of £6 per week during the REVERSION TO WAGE UNDER AGREEMENT. close season, and £8 per week during the playing season. (d) In the case of a player losing his place in the A player, whose registration is transferred by one Club first team through loss of form his wages must be to another, may be paid the rate of wages he is receiving reduced to the amount stipulated in his agreement of at the time of transfer. service. INCREASE FOR MERITORIOUS PLAY. METHOD OF ESTIMATING WAGES. (b) A recognised reserve team player, who by (e) In estimating the wage a Club is permitted to meritorious play obtains a place in the first team, may pay, the playing seasons of service of the player with be paid a further sum of £1 for each first team match Clubs (members of associate or Members of Associated in which he takes part, but the maximum wage of £8 Leagues) may be counted. per week must not be exceeded. INCREASE TO RECOGNISED FIRST TEAM PLAYER. WAGES AFTER TRANSFER OF REGISTRATION. (c) A Club upon being satisfied that a player is (g) Wages can only be paid in accordance with this entitled to rank as a first team player may, with the Rule. A player transferred, who is receiving less than consent of the Management Committee, increase his £260 per year, can have his wage increased in accord- ance with the foregoing Regulations. Report 9 (MINIMUM WAGE). The Committee make no recommendation as to minimum Wage. Recommendation 19 (AGREEMENTS). That all Yearly Agreements date from 1st August to 31st July, and that all such Agreements should provide for a reasonable wage during the Close season. AMENDMENT.—TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR propose: "That before any decisions are reached as to the financial relations between the League and its Clubs, between Clubs and Clubs, and between Clubs ?{21} and Players, a small Committee be appointed by the Management Committee who are experts on football finance—the Management Committee to have power to go outside its own membership if it deems it necessary to do so—with instructions to consider all financial matters affecting Clubs and Players and to make recommendations to the League." {Proposal} NOTE.—Recommendations 20 and 22 (Benefits, Match Bonus and Talent Money) to be considered in this connection. ? AMENDMENT.—EVERTON F. C. propose: "That the League maximum wage for a player in his {22} first year as a Professional and the Football Association's minimum retaining wage be brought into {1 Vote} line. AMENDMENT.—WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERERS propose: "That the maximum wage be £10 per ? {23} week for 52 weeks per annum. That the maximum wage of a player in his first year as a Professional be £5 weekly with annual rises of £1 weekly to £8 per week. That Clubs shall not pay maximum wages to more than 16 players in the First Division, 12 players in the Second Division, 8 players in the Third Division." {24} AMENDMENT.—BOLTON WANDERERS propose: "That the whole matter of Wages, Agreements and Benefits be deferred until more facts are known regarding Employment Regulations." {Cd} 7.—BENEFITS AND ACCRUED SHARE OF BENEFIT. Recommendation 20 (OPERATION OF AND AMOUNTS). That there should be no change in principle, but that the Maximum Amount be increased to £750 and that there should be no change in the method of calculating the amounts which can be paid as Accrued Share of Benefit. Recommendation 21 (BENEFITS AND WAR SERVICE). That war period be counted in ascertaining length of service, but only service rendered prior to the outbreak of war rank for Benefit. 6