	{Pre-war OK}	56.—The terms and conditions of all transfers of	are subject to the approval of the Management Com-
			registrations, other than the immediate payment of the	mittee, who may vary the terms thereof as they may
			full fee agreed upon, must be forthwith reported to	think fit.
			the Management Committee. All transfer agreements

{Not as copied 15 Yes}	AMENDMENT.—BURNLEY F. C. propose: "That no change be made in the pre-war arrangements.",

			AMENDMENT.—TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR propose: "(a) That all transfers be arranged through the
{Withdrawn}		Management Committee of the League, who shall make such charges for their services as may be
	{16 No}		agreed upon; that two Clubs concerned in a transfer shall have the right to make through the League
			such arrangements for the payment of the fees as may be mutually arranged by the Clubs concerned.

		{No}	  "(b) That a player shall not play for more than one Club in the same Division in a current
			season, but he may be transferred to and may play for a Club in any other Division in the current

	{Tie}		AMENDMENT.—BIRMINGHAM CITY propose : "That a special Sub-Committee shall be appointed
	{23 	17 No}	to receive suggestions and consider the advisability of limiting the amount of Transfer Fees and for
			the amount a Club may spend on such in any one year."

			AMENDMENT.—WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERERS propose : "That 25 per cent, of any Transfer Fee
			over £1,000 shall be paid by the receiving Club to a Central Fund, which will be administered by a
		{18 No}	Joint Committee of the Management Committee, the Clubs and the Players' Union, and that a
			representative of these bodies should occupy the Chair for one year in rotation. This Committee would
	{No seconder} 	use the Fund at their sole discretion for the general benefit of players, either by gifts or loans, but no
			such gift or loan would be made until the Committee has fully investigated the case brought to its

		Recommendation 15 (DIVISION OF GATE).

			That there be no change in the pre-war arrangement of 20 per cent, to Visitors.

		Recommendation 16 (DISPLACED FIXTURES).

			That the basis in all cases of compensation for displaced fixtures be the average of the Club's
			League Gates, for the whole of the season.



	{Almost unan.}	24.—The payment of compensation and 20% pool		possible, three after the original date of the postponed
			in the case of matches postponed through the Cup Ties	game, but if the postponed game be in itself a Derby
			shall be :—						game, then the compensation average to be taken from

			(a) If the home Club is not engaged in the F.A. Cup	the three previous seasons' League Saturday games
			Competition but the visiting Club is, the visiting	between the same Clubs on the home Club's ground.
	{Yes}		Club   shall be liable to pay to the home   Club	The basis of receipts for deducing the average to be
			compensation. If  both  Clubs  are  in  the  Cup	gross receipts of the six matches, less Entertainment
			Competition no compensation shall be payable.		Tax only.

			(b) If the home Club only is engaged in the F.A.	The operation of this Regulation does not apply to
			Cup, no compensation shall be payable by the		the Third Division games where one of the competing
			visiting Club who shall, however, be entitled to 	Clubs concerned is exempt from F.A. Cup Ties until
			an average 20% pool.					the Third Round for any of the games in which such
										Club is competing in any of the first three Rounds.

			The basis of compensation and of the 20% pool and	In assessing the amount of compensation due to a
			percentage to the League shall be the average of the	Club for loss of gate owing to postponement the
			six Saturday League games (Derby, holiday, and games	proceeds of another match played on that date must
	{Withdrawn}	of special interest excepted), three before, and,where	not be taken into account.

		{19 No}	AMENDMENT.—BURNLEY F.C. propose : "That the basis of compensation for displaced fixtures
			be the average of the four previous games."
	{Not}		AMENDMENT.—-WEST BROMWICH ALBION propose : "That there be no change in the pre-war
	{accepted20 No}	method of assessing compensation for displaced fixtures."

		Recommendation 17 (CLUB COLOURS AND NUMBERING).
			That no change be made in existing arrangements.
