Report 6 (LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS). {9 for That the Committee have no recommendation to make for the removal from Preston, but add that 9 No} if removal is contemplated then only London offers any advantage over Preston. AMENDMENT.- SOUTHAMPTON F. C. propose: "That the League Headquarters be moved to London." Report 7 (LEAGUE CUP COMPETITION). That the Committee agree in principle with a League Cup Competition run on the Home and Away principle and to run concurrently with the League Competitions, but that such Competition is impracticable if the Football Association institute their Challenge Cup Competition. {Withdrawn AMENDMENT.—LUTON TOWN propose: "That the League should run its own Cup Competition on 10 No} the Home and Away principle and to run concurrently with the League Competitions, and that this Cup Competition should be in preference to the Football Association Cup Competition." AMENDMENT.—EVERTON F. C. propose: "That the Football Association be approached with a {Cd. 11 yes.} view to exploring the matter of Home and Away Cup Ties as from the Third to Sixth Rounds of the Competition Proper." Report 8 (ENTERTAINMENT TAX). That the Committee agree that Football should bear its proportion of Entertainment Tax, but it was the duty of the Football Association and the Football League to press for equitable treatment in the incidence of the Tax. {Withdrawn AMENDMENT.—LUTON TOWN propose: "That the Football League make every endeavour to 12 yes} obtain a large decrease in the incidence of Entertainment Tax as regards Football." Recommendation 12 (SALARIED OFFICIALS AND LEAGUE MEETINGS). That Clubs must be represented at Annual and General Meetings by Directors or Honorary Officials and not by stipendiary officers. (This Recommendation does not apply to those Salaried Officials who {Withdrawn have in the past regularly represented their Clubs at General Meetings of the League). 13 yes} AMENDMENT.—TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR propose: "That all persons entitled to sit on the Football Association Council or to attend General Meetings of that Association if chosen by their Clubs to do so, shall retain the right to attend, take part in, and vote at General Meetings of the League." Recommendation 13 (TRANSFER SYSTEM, CLOSING DATE). That no change be made in the closing date (March 16th). PRESENT REGULATIONS— LIMITED REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS. 44.—After the 16th day of March in each year mittee may determine, and if so determined the player registrations and transfers of registrations may be shall only be eligible to play in the matches for which declined or will only be approved, subject to such permission is granted by the Management Committee. limitations and restrictions as the Management Com- {14 No AMENDMENT.—TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR propose: "That the Closing Date (for Transfer of Registra- 4 for 24 agst.} tions) be advanced from 16th March to 31st December." (WEST BROMWICH ALBION suggest 1st January.) {withdrawn} Recommendation 14 (LIMITATION OF TRANSFER FEES). That there be no fixed Maximum Transfer Fee, but that no Transfer be registered until the Transferring Club has notified the League that the Fee has been paid. 4