Recommendation 3 (GUEST PLAYERS). That from the commencement of the Transitional Period the use of Guest Players by any Club in any match be limited to 6, and that the Management Committee be empowered to reduce this gradually as circumstances warrant until the use of Guest Players is eliminated. Recommendation 4 (AGREEMENTS AND WAGES). That there be no Agreements with players during this period. That Wages be on a match basis to each of 14 players. That the Maximum Match Fee be £4. Recommendation 5 (DISTRIBUTION OF GATE IN VICTORY COMPETITIONS). That Visiting Clubs receive one-third of Ground Admissions (less Tax) in all League matches. That in the Cup Competition the net gate be divided as to one-third to each Club and one-third to a Pool for subsequent distribution amongst the Clubs. 4.—NORMAL TIMES: CONSTITUTION OF THE LEAGUE. Report 1 (DIVISIONS AND CLUBS). That the Committee have no recommendations to make as to any change in the number of Divisions or the number of Clubs in each Division. Report 2 (PROMOTION AND RELEGATION). That the Committee have no recommendation to make as to any changes. {8 for} AMENDMENT.—LUTON TOWN propose : "That the four highest Clubs in Division 2 shall take the {no 2} places of the four lowest in Division 1, and the four lowest Clubs in Division 1 shall be placed in Division 2. The two highest Clubs in each Section of Division 3 shall take the places of the four lowest Clubs in Division 2, and the four lowest in Division 2 shall be relegated to Division 3." Report 3 (RESERVE COMPETITIONS). That the Committee have no recommendation to make as to the establishment of a Reserve Team Competition for League Clubs. Report 4 (BRITISH LEAGUE). That as the constitution of a British League could only weaken the existing League and Scottish League the Committee do not recommend any alteration. Report 5 (MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE). That the Committee do not recommend any alteration in the constitution of the Management Committee. (AREA REPRESENTATION.) The Committee reject the suggestion of Area Representation for the Management Committee as not being in the best interest of the League. PRESENT REGULATIONS— MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. NOMINATIONS. 15.—The League shall be governed—except at 17.—No person, not being a retiring member of General Meetings—and the business of the League shall the Management Committee, shall be eligible for be conducted by a President, two Vice-Presidents, and election to the Management Committee at any General six Representatives, who shall form the Committee of Meeting unless a League Club or League Clubs intending Management. All the powers of the League shall, to propose him has or have on or before the first day except as aforesaid, be vested in the Management of May, in the year in which such General Meeting is Committee. held, left at or sent to the Registered Office of the League, a notice in writing, duly signed by the Chair- They shall be empowered to deal as they may think man and Secretary of the proposing League Club or fit with Clubs, Officials, or Players in respect of offences, Clubs, full members of the League, stating the full and with any matter not otherwise specifically provided name and address of the Candidate. A list of the for in these Regulations. persons duly nominated for election to the Management Committee shall be sent to the League Clubs at least The members of the Management Committee shall seven days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting or hold office for two years, and shall, without the of the Meeting at which the Management Committee necessity of previous nomination, be eligible for shall be elected. re-election. 2