COPY OF LETTER TO MR. W. C. CUFF. W. C. Cuff, Esq., September 14th, 1945. 6, Castle Street, Liverpool 2. Dear Mr. Cuff, Further to your letter of the 31st ult., which was read at the Board Meeting of the 4th inst., and to the Meeting of the Board held on the 11th inst., I now enclose for your perusal copies of a letter received from Messrs. T. J. Smith and Son, and of two resolutions passed at the Meeting of the 11th. The resolution which I have marked (1) on the copy was passed after Messrs. G. Evans and T. Percy had recorded their votes as dissentients, and the resolution marked (3) was on a unanimous vote. If you will be good enough to let me know which day will suit you for attention at the office of the Auditors prior to September 25th, I will ensure the co-attendance of all concerned. Yours sincerely, (Signed) THEO. KELLY. COPY OF LETTER FROM MR. W. C. CUFF. 24th September, 1945. Mr. Theo. Kelly, Everton F. C. Ltd., Goodison Park, Liverpool 4. Dear Sir, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 14th inst., with the enclosures therein mentioned. Except to say that I am not prepared to accept the Directors' invitation to inspect the Voting Papers, I have nothing further to add to my letter of the 31st ulto. Yours faithfully, (Signed) W. C. CUFF. After the reading of Mr. W. C. Cuff's letter of the 24th inst., at the Board Meeting of September 25th, 1945, it was decided to consider taking further advice on this matter. Mr. G. Evans alone dissenting from this resolution. COPY OF RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD AT THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 2nd, 1945. RESOLVED—That the Secretary instruct the Auditors of the Company, Messrs. Theodore Rogers, Bowler & Co., and the Solicitors to the Company, Messrs. T. J. Smith & Son, to make a joint examination of the Voting Papers used at the last Annual General Meeting of the Company on the election of Directors and the proxies exercised in connection therewith, and after such examination to render to the Board a joint Report and in particular on the use of the said proxies. Messrs. G. Evans and T. Percy recorded their votes against this Resolution.