COPY OF LETTER SENT TO MR. W. C. CUFF. W. C. Cuff, Esq., August 29th, 1945. 6, Castle Street. Liverpool 2. Dear Mr. Cuff, At the Meeting of the Board held last evening, the report of the Sub-Committee appointed to scrutinise the Ballot Papers of the Annual General Meeting of June 28th last, was read. I enclose a copy of this Report, and have been instructed to kindly request you to supply the required explanation. Yours sincerely, (Signed) THEO. KELLY. COPY OF LETTER RECEIVED FROM MR. W. C. CUFF. 31st August, 1945. The Chairman and Directors, Everton F. C. Co., Ltd., Goodison Park, Liverpool 4. Dear Sirs, I am in receipt of your letter of the 29th inst., together with the enclosure therein mentioned. I have already voiced—and now repeat—my denial of the right of any Director to inspect the Voting Papers placed in the Ballot Box by Shareholders at the recent Annual General Meeting of the Company: I also question the accuracy of the conclusions at which some of the Directors appear to have arrived as a result of such illegal inspection. That the inspection was, obviously, and indeed admittedly, made for the sole purpose of ascertaining how I (and probably other Shareholders) voted at such election. This is a gross infringement of the secrecy of the ballot. It is, moreover, patent that such inspection was actuated by vindictiveness and a desire to wound, and it forges the latest link in a chain of insults which have been levelled at me by certain (so-called) colleagues during the past seven years. My forbearance is well nigh exhausted, and unless and until I can be assured of their dis- continuance I shall feel reluctantly compelled to absent myself from future meetings of the Board. You state that the marking of certain voting papers seems to require an explanation from me. As you have no right to ask for an explanation, you will not be surprised to learn that your request is ignored. Yours faithfully, (Signed) W. C. CUFF.