EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF DIRECTORS' MEETING OF AUGUST 28th, 1945. "The report of the Sub-Committee appointed at the last Meeting was considered (copy of which is appended); and it was agreed, that in view of this report, Mr. W. C. Cuff be asked to give an explanation of his actions. It was resolved that a copy of the report should be supplied to any Director who desired same." _______________ REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO SCRUTINISE THE BALLOT PAPERS USED AT THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. We, the undersigned, in accordance with a Minute passed at a Meeting of the Board held on Tuesday, August 21st, took legal advice as to the validity of the Directors obtaining from the Auditors all Proxy, Voting, and other papers in connection with the election of three Directors at the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday, June 28th. We saw Mr. Bryson, of Messrs. T. J. Smith & Son, who stated definitely that the Directors were empowered to see the papers in question, and these were produced to us by the Auditors, on receipt of a note from the Club Secretary, giving therein copy of the aforementioned Resolution. After a very careful scrutiny of all the papers concerned, we find that there are certain Voting Papers, presumably completed by Mr. Cuff, which seem to require an explanation from him regarding the same. The Voting Papers in question are as under:— No. 1. 99 votes, representing 26 proxies completed on the Club proxy forms. The 99 votes include one proxy form from Director G. Evans—19 votes. One proxy form from Director W. R. Williams, relating to 14 votes. All votes recorded for Messrs. Cuff, Denaro and Nuttall. No. 2. One Voting Paper relating to 32 votes for eight Club proxies, which definitely cancelled the proxies for a similar number of votes made out at earlier dates in favour of A. N. Denaro. All votes recorded for Messrs. Cuff, Denaro and Nuttall. No. 3. Four Club proxies representing seven votes, cancelling previously signed proxies in the name of F. W. Lake. All votes recorded for Messrs. Cuff, Denaro and Nuttall. No. 4. One Voting Paper representing eleven votes in connection with one proxy in the name of R. Gaunt; names specially mentioned thereon being: (1) W. C. Cuff; (2) R. E. Searle; (3) F. W. Lake. All votes recorded for Messrs. Cuff, Denaro and Nuttall. No. 5. One proxy representing twelve votes in favour of the Club's two retiring Directors and F. W. Lake. All votes recorded for Messrs. Cuff, Lake and Nuttall. In none of the five aforementioned Voting Papers was one single vote recorded for the retiring Director, Mr. R. E. Searle. (Signed) W. C. GIBBINS. F. W. LAKE.