STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. The Everton Football Club Company Limited. re Annual General Meeting, June 28th, 1945. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. The result of the voting was declared as follows: — W. C. Cuff .................... 1928 F. W. Lake .................... 1059 R. E. Searle .................. 955 T. C. Nuttall ................. 951 A. N. Denaro .................. 921 _________ STATEMENT accompanying letter to Shareholders. Extract from the Minutes of August 21st, 1945. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. In view of the minute of the Meeting held on May 1st, 1945, all Members, namely, Messrs. W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, W. C. Cuff, C. S. Baxter, M. D., G. Evans, J. P., T. Percy, Capt., R. A. O. C., W. R. Williams, and R. E. Searle, C. C., being present, which read as follows: — " It was unanimously agreed that the Board should support the retiring Directors, Messrs, W. C. Cuff and R. E. Searle, at the Annual General Meeting, but that the vacant seat be left to the Shareholders to fill, and that in this respect each Member of the Board shall vote as he personally chose." And, in view of the Minute of the Meeting held on May 15th, 1945, all Members being present with the exception of Capt. T. Percy, which read as follows:— " Secretary was instructed to circularise the Shareholders with Proxy Forms in favour of Messrs. W. C. Cuff, R. E. Searle, and Dr. C. S. Baxter." And there being a grave suspicion that the wishes of the Board, in accordance with the above resolution, were not carried out at the Annual General Meeting, it was resolved that, the Law permitting, a scrutiny of the Ballot Papers take place and that a Sub-Committee con- sisting of the Chairman and one other Member of the Board be appointed to carry out this scrutiny, and report their findings at the next Meeting of the Board or the earliest meeting possible. Messrs, W. C. Cuff, G. Evans, and Captain T. Percy recorded their votes against this resolution. Messrs. W. C. Cuff and F. W. Lake were proposed to fill the vacancy on this Sub-Com- mittee, but on Mr. Cuff withdrawing his name, Mr. Lake was selected.