
		CUFF, ROBERTS & CO. 						6, Castle Street
		SOLICITORS								Liverpool, 2.

		W. C. CUFF.
		T. B. ROBERTS, LL.B							21st January 1946

		The Secretary,
		  Everton F. C. Co. Ltd.,
		    Goodison Park,
			  Liverpool. 4.

		Dear Sir,

			I was precluded from attending the Board meeting on the
		15th inst owing to F. A. meetings in London on that date. A similar
		engagement will prevent me from being present at the next Board
		meeting (if any) on the 22nd inst.

			In view of the fact that the Board on November 15th
		1945 after extensive discussion over a considerable period
		circulated their "findings" to the Shareholders, thereby implying 
		that complete finality had been reached and that since that date
		no reference to the matters in dispute has been made, I naturally
		concluded that the vendetta against me had ceased: hence my
		presence at the Board meeting on the 8th inst.

			I was considerably surprised therefore to note in the
		Agenda for Tuesday's meeting an item "Mr. W. C. Cuff. re Proxies A. G. M."

			Inquiries elicited that it was the Chairman's intention
		to address to me some interrogatories upon this matter.

			Apparently therefore my conclusions were erroneous
		and it would appear that some of the members are determined that
		the hatchet should not be buried. My decision of 3lst August
		1945 accordingly holds good.

			If however the Chairman is prepared to submit his
		proposed interrogatories in writing they will receive my careful

							Yours faithfully,
							W. C. Cuff