EVERTON F. C. SHAREHOLDERS ASSOCIATION ______________________________________ 7, Stopgate Lane, LIVERPOOL, 9. 13th August, 1945. Dear Sir/Madam, I am directed by the Executive Committee of the above Association to report upon the result of the recent election of Directors to the Board of the Everton Football Club. To those Shareholders who supported the Association's nominees at the recent election either by entrusting to us their proxies or by their attendance and vote at the Annual Meeting, the Executive Committee desires to extend its very sincere thanks and appreciation. As you are doubtless aware, the Shareholders Association only partially succeeded in carrying out its objectives. The first was to place Mr, W. C. Cuff at the Head of the Poll. This was accomplished in as much as Mr. Cuff received a record number of votes, viz: 1,928. An analysis of the votes cast for the other four candidates leaves not a shadow of doubt that both Messrs. Searle and Lake were elected to the Board as a result of cross support by each to the other, thus the efforts of the majority of the Shareholders of the Club in seeking the election of Messrs. Denaro and Nuttall were frustrated. In other words, Mr. Searle's holding of approximately 300 shares was the deciding factor in the election to the Board of Messrs. Searle and Lake, so that actually both these gentlemen have been elected on a minority vote as is clearly evident by the number of votes cast by the general body of Shareholders for Messrs. Nuttall and Denaro. Consequently, the supporters of the Shareholders Association Candidates undoubtedly gained a moral victory: This being so, the Shareholders Association, far from being discouraged, is more than ever determined to pursue vigorously the policy of defeating the object of any one man acquiring a controlling influence in the affairs of the Everton Club. They are equally determined that they shall place on the Board only men who will truly represent the Share- holders. One of the members of the Directorate, Mr. George Evans, J. P. has been a member of the Association since its inception, whilst Captain T. Percy, R. A. O. C. another prominent member of the Board also joined the Association recently, and the Executive Committee now has the greatest pleasure in intimating that Mr. W. C. Cuff, President and Life Member of the Football League Management Committee, Vice President of the Football Association and President of the Central League, has decided that the present ideals and objects of the Association are such as to merit his whole hearted support and that consequently, he also has become a member of the Association, SO CONVINCED IS HE OF THE NEED FOR THIS ORGANIZATION, THAT HE ADVISES ALL SHAREHOLDERS TO FOLLOW HIS EXAMPLE. The significance of this action, by one who is regarded by most people as the foremost Football Legislator of his time, cannot be over-emphasized, and all thoughtful Shareholders who have the interest of the Everton Club at heart will at once realize the implications. Shareholders can be assured that Mr. Cuff's vast experience, ripe judgment and legal knowledge, are now placed at the disposal of the Shareholders Association. The Executive feels confident that the large number of Shareholders who are already members of the Association will wish to continue their membership and a strong appeal is now made to those Shareholders who have not hitherto joined, to do so without delay. The Association is the only medium whereby Shareholders can co-ordinate an effective opposition to certain individuals and their small coterie of supporters, who, for the present, have succeeded in overriding the desires of the vast majority of individual Shareholders. If you, personally, agree that a repetition of what happened at the last Annual Meeting is not in the best interest of the Everton Club, then we confidently ask you to take the only step possible to obviate a recurrence by becoming an active member of this Association.