297 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, March 18, 1947.] Present:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Mr. W. C. Cuff; & Secy. in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Mch. 10, were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Grimsby Town F. C. Share Gate £99.13.4 Cheques were signed for:- B. R. Lovett Accrued Share Benefit £50.0.0 T. Elliott do £18.4.0 Commissioners Inland Revenue Tax re Elliott £6.16.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xcs. £400.0.0 Bank Balance £3310.8.11 Cr. Shareholders Assocn. Further letter was read. It was decided 296 to re-affirm decision of last meeting. Scottish Players Mr. E. Green & Sec'y. agreed to the power of Brown (Partick Thistle) at R. H. but could not recommend 288 288 Mitchell or Kelly. Ratcliffe (Wolves) Messrs Green & Sharp did not recommend this F. B. valued at £4,000, as although a powerful kicker, he was erratic in other points of play. 219 Bristol City Players Mr. H. R. Pickering did not fancy Guy (R. B.) but thought the younger Bailey (L. B.) might be worthy further consideration in 12 months time. Chilcott & Hargreaves (O. R. & O. L.) did well but their ages of 28 & 30 were not in their favour. Jones (Tranmere) Sec'y. reported that what he saw of this 286 winger playing on the left, made him feel that he was well worth following-up. He was a big fellow who appeared to be resourceful. Holland Tour Decided that this be considered at our