
F. L. Meeting		Decided that Messrs Gibbins,
225		Green & Secy. attend.

F. A. of Eire		Permission granted for Stevenson,
		Farrell & Eglington to play v Spain on
		March 2nd.

Press			Letter read from Mr. R. W. Crole.
		Immediately decided that he should be supplied
		with the context of our minute of Jany. 14th, 1947
		apropos the press.

Fixtures		Agreed that we accept the Millwall
124		F. C. offer to play at the Den on March 1st.

Players to follow	Mr. E. Green to watch the more
		important of the players previously mentioned.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, Feby. 25, 1947.

					Confirmed as Correct
					Wm. C. Gibbins