287 report of McSpadyen (R. B. Hearts), Cox (R. H) & Wardhough (I. R). Plymouth Argyle F. C. Secy. reported this Club's interest in Livingstone, Davies & Lovett. Agreed that he should get the best price possible for their transfer. Team v Wolves This was approved. Director to W'ton Messrs W. C. Gibbins & F. W. Lake. P. O. W's Football League letter was read. 285 Inter-League Match Invitation from Football League was received & Messrs Gibbins, Green, William agreed to attend the luncheon on th 19th. If Mr. Evans was unable to go, Mr. Sharp was willing to attend. Grand National Agreed that the Staff be entertained as formerly, if possible. Players to Watch Messrs Green & Sharp to see ? Players. Others to be covered by Staff. Next Meeting Tuesday, Feb 11, at 4.30 pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman