SUB-COMMITTEE AT GOODISON PARK. FEBRUARY 7,1947. Present:- Messrs Green, Searle and Lake. PLAYERS' WAGES. Recommendations of the League Management Com- mittee for the Meeting in Manchester on the 24th inst., were considered and approved, with an amendment on Item 5, as follows:- "That payment of Playing Season Wages commence from the date that players are called up for training"." ASSISTANT GROUNDSMAN It was agreed to recommend the appoint- ment of Alan Storey to this, at present, vacant post, at a wage of £5.10.0. TURNSTILE CONTROL. Agreed that the system now in use at the Derby ground be explored. PHOTOGRAPHERS' PENS Agreed to recommend the installation of accommodation at each end of the ground as at Anfield. INCOME TAX ACCOUNTS. Noted that for an Annual cost of 10 to 15 guineas, the Auditors could treat with the H. M. Inspector of Taxes. Agreed to recommend this as it would be advant- ageous from all points of view. 201, WALTON LANE. Latent War Damage having developed in this property, it was agreed to accept Beattie & Williams estimate of £70 to carry out this work. HOLLAND TOUR. Letter read from F. A. offering 3 or 4 games in Holland at end of Season with expenses paid, plus £500 to cover our extras. Acceptance recommended, provided the guarantees were sufficient for the period involved. FREE STATE MATCHES. Agreed to recommend that if it is possible during the current Season, matches be arranged in Cork and Dublin, the 1st for the benefit of the Munster F. A. and the latter for the benefit of Code, the Shamrock centre- half and Captain. (Shamrock Rovers F. C. to send an official letter in conformity with our business methods.)