279 McGowan (Partick T.) Mr. J. Stein gave a poor report of this F. B. Rosenthal (Tranmere) Noted that Club had asked £3,500 for this player. Decided that we were not interested. Boyes. W. Leeds Utd' having asked if we would 274 part with this player, it was decided that we would. Secy. to sell at best figure over £4,000. Directors to South Matches Mr. E. Green for possible tour. Messrs Gibbins & Searle for individual matches. Cup- Tie Tickets Agreed that Secy' use his discretion in fixing prices & printing tickets for possible future Cup- ties without any delay, after announcement of Draw. F. L. Meeting 178 Noted that there would be an Xtra- Ordinary G. M. of the Club on Feb 24, & agreed that the Sub-Committee should deal with the matters involved at their next Meeting. Next Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 14 or 21, 1947 at 4.30 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Gibbins 14/1/47 Chairman