	MEETING OF SUB-COMMITTEE. Goodison Park, Friday, Dec 20, 1946.

		Present:- Messrs W. R. Williams (Chair); E. Green; and Sec'y.

		Mr. W. C. Cuff's letter was read, and it was agreed that	
	the suggestions therein were entertainable, and therefore to 
	recommend the adoption of them. Thus on Clause (a) the ex-
	pense allowed would be 10/- as against the original figure
	of 5/-. And on Clause (b), the figure of 30/- should be 
	substituted for the original allowance of 21/-.

		It was agreed that the Secretary make further enquiries
	about the details of the S. T. Garland Advertising Service Ltd.,
	scheme for providing sponsored programmes to entertain our
	public at the home games. In effect, the Committee recommended
	the suggestion, pending this further information.

		Agreed that no change should be made from our former
	method of making a present of £5 to the booking-clerk at
	Messrs Jack Sharp, Ltd. It was appreciated that this year had
	been abnormal, but that in future, with modernised ideas, the
	accompanying labour would not be so arduous, nor would it break
	too much into the time of the office staff of Mr. Sharp's

		Secretary having reported that he had learned that he
	could now obtain small turkeys for the players in the New
	Year, it was agreed that subject to the consent of the other
	Members of the Board, he should provide them for the players.

							W. C. Gibbins