Old Robinson Testimonial 9. Refreshments - Match Days 13, 14. Report re L'pool Res. Match 66. Reports Re Players 67, 143. Retain & Transfer List 122. Reports on London Mtgs. 140. Report of Estate Committee 144. Reports of Matches 145, 148. Results 160, 162. (South L'pool) Riding 162, 175. (Millwall) Rawlings, J. S. D. 163, 164, 173, 175, 178, 228, 231. Red Star Olympigne (Paris) 163. Reid (Stockport County) 165, 168. Rangers v Masion Dynamos 185, 186. R. A. Band 193. Robertson, (Yoker A.) 194. Retain & Transfer List 220. Rothwell (Southport) 221, 227, 253. Robinson (Middlesboro') 226, 227. Request for Match 243. Rothwell (Acc. Stanley) 258. Rosenthal, A. (Tranmere) 279. Ratcliffe 294, 298.