272 Oldham v D'ton Mr. W. R. Williams did not think Boothman R. B. Oldham, yet good enough although alert & keen. Varty of Darlington, T. F. was 22 & 5'7" but a very good player. Kirkman (Rochdale) Mr. R. Bentham gave a good report of this L. B. & thought he should be seen again. Telfer (St. Mirren) Mr. J. Stein gave an excellent report of this R. B. who was nearby 6', 12st, & 25 years. J. Mercer Those present were agreeable to this player 258 being put on transfer at his request & Sec'y was instructed to ascertain views of Messrs Green, Baxter & Lake. Team v M'bro As suggested, this was approved. Xmas Boxes 182 Agreed that these be as last year. Players to Follow Mr. E. Green to see Kilmarnock & Kelly. Mr. H. R. Pickering do Telfer. Others:- Kirkman, Triner O. R. Port Vale, Tomlinson O. R., Oldham, Varty. 200 Transfer of Shares Following were approved:- Shares Nod. 1055, 1056 & 2192 from C. T. Taylor to J. S. Taylor. do do 1320 from Xors. A. Sharples to T. Percy. Next Meeting Tuesday, December 3, 1946 at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. Wm. C. Gibbins 2/11/46 Chairman.