270 experienced than McCormick. Moselay (G'boro. T.) Mr. R. Bentham was not in duly impressed by 267 this player of 5' 7" & 22 years. He had played again at O. R. He liked Hinchcliffe I. L. who was 23 year & tall. Hodgkiss It was noted that the Football League did 252 not find in our favour over the transfer of this unfit player from Southport. Team Team as suggested v Stoke City was approved. Directors Away Scotland v Ireland :- Messrs Green & Searle. England v Holland :- Messrs Gibbins & Secy. Davies J. W. Agreed that if Macclesfield be sufficiently 273 interested, they should have his services at any reasonable price Players to Watch Kirkman (Rochdale) F. B. Next Meeting Tuesday , Nov. 26, 1946 at 5 p. m. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins May 26/46 Chairman