267 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1946] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, G. Evans, W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp & Secy. Dr. C. S. Baxter absent through indisposition. Minutes Minutes of Meeting of 5th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Receipt was reported:- Macclesfield F. C. W. Edwards £100.0.0 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £22.19.4 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £400.0.0 Bank Balance £7835.13.9 Dr. Metcalfe (H'field) Noted that no transfer would be 265 arranged without we were notified. McCormick (Coleraine) Secy. reported this player's signing for 265 Darby County, although we had done what was possible, to obtain his services. Moseley (Gainsboro.) Mr. A. McArdle reported well of this C. F. who had played at O. R. He was approx 20, 5' 8" & 11 st. Team Team v Manchester Utd., as suggested was approved. Director to Stoke Mr. J. C. Sharp. Players to Watch Messrs E. Green or W. R. Williams to Rec. Metcalfe. Others to cover were:- Campbell (R. H.) Clyde. Moseley (C. F.) Gainsboro. Cunningham (F. B) Airdrie. Lindsay (F. B.) St. Mirren. Howc (F. B.) Derby City.