266 empowered to offer up to £600 to obtain his services. Birkett 253 Confirmation given to transfer to Southport F. C. for £350. Decided to pay Share of Benefit £50, if allowed. Team Team suggested approved, except that Mercer should be omitted. Directors Away To Manchester, E'land v Wales:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, Green, Evans, Williams, Searle & Sharp. To Leeds:- Messrs Green, Evans, Searle, Sharp. To Stoke:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins & others to be named later. F. A. Coaching Agreed that in principle, we permit any players to act as school coaches. This work not to interfere with our own needs. Transfer of Shares Following approved:- 261 Shares 630 to 632 from E. A. Baker to Jas. Brighton. Next Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 12th, at 5 pm. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins 12/11/46 Chairman.