[Meeting held Exchange Hotel
Liverpool, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1946.]
Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), all other Directors
except Mr. W. C. Cuff; & Sec'y.
Minutes of Meeting of 15th inst. were read &
Finance Receipts reported:-
Sunderland F. C. Share Gate £384.1.1
Gate v Bolton Wands. F. C. £3483.6.3
Cheques were signed:-
Customs & Excise Tax £620.14.0
Football League 1% £27.8.0
Bolton Wanderers F. C. 20% £419.9.4
L'pool City Police Services £48.12.0
T. J. Smith & Sons Deposit Houses £222.0.0
Bank Balance £441.18.1 Cr.
Centre Forwards It was agreed to stop at the firm's offer
of £8,000 already made for Fenton.
Messrs G. Evans & R. E. Searle reported well
of McMorren. It was decided that Messrs
Gibbins, Lake & Sharp should see him on Saty.
next, to finally decide our action.
Mr. E. Green reported that he thought Yates
of Chester was no advance on Higgins.
Sec'y. reported that Price of Huddersfield
might be a possible.
Metcalfe (H'field) Mr. A. McArdle thought this O. L. of 21,
259 5'7½" & 11st, was easily the best he had seen this
Laidler (Carlisle) Mr. W. Laine gave a good report. Noted
258 that player was not yet for transfer.
Scottish Players Mr. J. Stein thought McEntyre of Lochgelly