259 (C. F.) Dundee, understudy to Juliussen; whom he had seen & Ormonde (O. L.) Stenhousemuir; Love (I. F.) Leith; McCrae (I. L.) Hearts, a big man; & Aitken (L. H.) East Fife, his star recommendation. He did not particularly fancy the Bo'ness players, Pryde & Dickson (C. F.) Standing (Northwich) Sec'y. thought this well built C. F. might be rather useful in our C. L. team, although he was a cast-off of Oldham Athletic. Nth. Shields Players Mr. W. Laine was not enamoured of Blake (I. R.) or Stokoe (R. B.) McMorren (B. Celtic) Sec'y. reported that £7,000 was asked for this player. Agreed that Messrs Green, Evans, Searle go to Ireland with powers to that amount, if satisfied with the player. Fenton (M'bro) It was noted that this C. F. might be obtained for £7,000 & it was unanimously agreed that full effort should be made to secure him before Saturday. Livingstone A. Agreed that Sec'y. be empowered to transfer this man at the best available price. Boyes W. Request to be put on transfer list was 98 considered. Deferred to next Meeting. Players to Watch Smith (Accrington); Turnbull (Dundee), Standing (Northwich), Metcalfe (H'field). Next Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1946 at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Gibbins 22/Oct. 46 Chairman.