
Hodgkiss R.		A Sub-Committee of Messrs Gibbins, Green,
	247	& Williams was appointed to meet a deputation from
		the Southport F. C.

Tatters, C.		Decided to drop negotiations for this
	29	player.

Housing			It was agreed that £1,150 need
	245	not necessarily be the ceiling price to be paid in
		securing houses for our players.

Albion Rovers F. C.	Decided that Secy. endeavour to
	247	accommodate this Club with a friendly fixture
		at Goodison.

Irish F. A.		Permission was granted for Eglington
	9	to play in Ireland on the 28th & 30th inst.

Cunliffe		Agreed to allow this players transfer
	141	to Rochdale F. C. Secy. to arrange safeguarding terms.

Statutory Declaration	This read as made by Lily Jones &
		Florence Edith Wolfe & agreed that combined with an
		indemnity, these be accepted in lieu of transfer form
		for Shares Nod. 1517, 450 & 451, 332 & 2211.

Transfers of Shares	Following were approved:-
	244.	Shares No. 1228 from Xors H. Gaskill to A. J. C. Gaskill
		   do	   1242 & 1243	do J. A. do  to		do
		   do	   31,32 & 2177	do Xors of J. Atkinson to C. S. Baxter.

Goalkeeper		Mr. R. E. Searle reported Manchester
	147	utd's interest in Sagar, & Secy. was empowered to
		treat with Club over Birkett.

Players to Watch	McMurran, C. F. (Belfast Celtic.)
	328		Peters, R. B., (Airdrie.)

Next Meeting		Tuesday, 17th inst., at 5 p.m.

				Confirmed as Correct
				W. C. Gibbins
					Sept. 17/46