
		on Saturday last, did not prove this R. B. to be what we
		needed to supercede Jackson, Secy. to find the player's age.

Mercer 243.		Agreed to defer consideration of this players
		transfer for a further period.

Players for Transfer	Secy. to do everything in reason to
		part with players who were of no great use, to our
		advantage, Noted that the professional staff was too
		unwieldy in numbers.

Teams			As suggested, these were approved.

Directors to Sheffield	Messrs E. Green & W. R. Williams.

do to Aston Villa	Messrs W. C. Gibbins, E. Green, W. R. Williams, F. W.
		Lake & J. C. Sharp.

B. B. C.		Agreed to commentary on Chelsea match
		of Dec'r. 7,1946.

? v England		Messrs Green, Williams, Searle & Lake
		expressed their intention to attend.

? H. Barker		It was agreed that this official be
		released from his duties for satisfactory reasons, that
		he be made a Life Member of the Company - the only
		such Honour, & that he be paid a Pension of
		One Pound per week.

Next Meeting		Sept. 10, 1946, at 5 pm. unless it was
		necessary to meet at Goodison Park after the C. L.
		match on Sept. 4th.

					Confirmed as correct.
					W. C. Gibbins
					     Sept. 4/46