
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			L'pool, Tuesday, August 27, 1946.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter, M. D., W. R.
			Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of 13th inst., were read &

Finance		Cheques were signed for:-
		J. R. Thomson		Salary		£35.13.4
		J. W. Dickinson		do		£31.17.0
		Theo. Kelly		do		£80.14.0
		Commees. Inland Revenue	P.A.Y.E.	£55.19.0
		Theo. Kelly.		Wages &c.	£500.0.0
			Bank Balance £8658.19.8 Dr.

Sub-Committee		The findings of the members were reported
	171.	(copy attached) & approved.

Hodgkiss, R.		It was agreed that the Secy. write the
		Southport F. C. & suggest that following our medical
		Advisers report on the players fitness, they lake him
		back, or in other words, re-sign him, & repay to us the
		amount of transfer fee, viz., £1,250. Copy of the medical report
		to be sent to the Southport Club.
			In the meantime, he should not play for
		us. Further action to be determined by events.

Housing			Pros & cons of this difficulty were discussed,
		& Mr. F. W. Lake was deputed to act in our interest
		with Mr. Trevor Thomas, re 2 houses in Huyton.

Practice Match Proceeds	Recommendation was approved, with
		two minor adjustments. (Copy attached.)
			It was agreed that the F. A. be asked to
		interest themselves in obtaining rebatement of Enter-
		tainment Tax on the proceeds of such games.

Shaw (Hibs)		Reports of the Directors at Manchester