Royal Liverpool United Hospitals 250
Cancer Hospital 60
Bootle Hospital 60
King George’s Fund for Sailors 50
Royal Artillery Memorial Fund 30
St. John Ambulance Brigade 30
Lifeboat Institution 30
St. Paul’s Eye Hospital 25
Liverpool Eye Hospital 25
Childrens Infirmary 25
Maternity Hospital 25
Waterloo General Hospital 25
Womens Hospital 25
National Institute for the Blind 25
Home for incurables 25
Hahnemann Hospital 25
Lancs. F. A. Benevolent Fund 25
Liverpool County F. A. Benevolent Fund 25
British Legion 20
Deaf & Dumb Institute 20
Wallasey Central Hospital 15
Wallasey Cottage Hospital 15
Heart Hospital 15
Queen Victoria District Nursing Assocn. 15
Liverpool Police Aided Clothing Society 10
Liverpool Bluecoat Hospital 10
Liverpool Orphange 10
Liverpool Dental Hospital 10
Limbless Ex Servicemans Assocn. 10
Merseyside Holiday Camp 10
National Union of Journalists 10
Secretaries & Managers’ Association 10
Y. M. C. A. 10
Liverpool Aged Poor 9 17 10
£984 17 10