239 [Annual General Meeting held at Central Hall, July 5, 1946] Present:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins (Chairman); all other Directors & 127 Shareholders & Sec'y. Notice Convening Sec'y read Notice Convening Meeting the Meeting. Press The Meeting approved the Admission of Newspaper representatives. Directors' Report, Mr. W. C. Gibbins outlined the position A/cs & Balance Sheet today, as compared with the situation in 1939. He stressed that obligations - moral ones - to players had been carried out by payment of £6,500 in Accrued Shares of Benefit; that 4 further houses had been acquired to further the purposes & needs of the Company; & that the Directors advisedly had created new items of Reserve for Taxation & Deferred Repairs. After the reading of the Auditors' Report by Mr. H. W. Bowler, it was proposed by the Chairman & seconded by Mr. E. Green, that the Accounts & Balance Sheet as presented, be passed & approved. This was carried unanimously. Dividend Mr. W. R. Williams proposed & Mr. T. Percy seconded, that a Dividend of 7½%, less Income Tax, on the Paid-up Capital of the Company, be paid. This was carried unanimously. Election of Auditors Mr. H. H. Barker proposed & Mr. A. N. Dendo, seconded, the re-election of the Auditors, Messrs T. Theo. Rogers, Bowler & Co., at a fee of 80 Guineas per Annum. This proposal was carried unanimously. Election of Directors Declaring that a Poll would be taken, as requested, the Chairman stated that Messrs