The Everton Football Club Company Ltd. INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT For Period 27th May, 1945, to 18th May, 1946. EXPENDITURE. INCOME. 1945. May 18th, 1946. 1945. May 18th, 1946. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1337 0 0 To Players' Wages .... .... 6560 0 0 26883 18 3 By Gate Receipts .... .... .... 70670 7 10 — " Players' Benefits .... .... 1242 0 0 " Proceeds of Matches played " Medical Fees, Players' 5946 14 7 away, etc.... .... .... 7769 2 5 238 19 3 Accident Insurance, etc.... 156 1 0 ______________ ______________ 8329 11 8 " Gate Division to Visitors .... 12991 18 5 32830 12 10 78439 10 3 2201 9 3 " Travelling Expenses .... .... 4687 5 7 " Players' Transfer Fees: " Advertising, Billposting, Amounts received, less 212 5 1 Printing and Stationery .... 566 7 9 Amounts Expended .... 9199 0 0 697 17 10 " Gate Expenses, Checkers, etc. 1722 6 6 80 10 0 " Season Tickets .... .... 319 16 6 " Training Expenses and 896 4 3 " Sublets. Programme A/c., ete. 859 16 1 561 1 0 Trainers' Wages .... .... 1116 13 4 2 0 0 " Share Transfer Fees .... .... 14 12 6 " Ground Expenses and 1109 15 7 " Groundsmen's Wages .... 2276 6 4 " National Health and 24 1 5 " Unemployment Insurance .... 61 1 9 " Rent, Rates, Taxes, Lighting. Water, Telephone, 1931 15 6 Insurance, etc. .... .... 3163 4 3 10056 16 2 " Entertainment Tax .... .... 27303 0 6 " Office Expenses (including 1119 18 0 Salaries) .... .... .... 2779 4 2 1057 2 3 " Bank Commission and Interest 548 19 0 276 8 2 " Clothing, Material and Stores 626 18 4 " League Percentages, Subscrip- 392 13 9 " tions, Contributions, ete... 1149 1 8 " Law Costs and Accountancy 80 4 6 " Charges .... .... .... 151 6 9 178 15 0 " Pensions .... .... .... 174 0 0 60 13 6 " Fire Watching Expenses .... — ______________ ______________ 29866 7 11 67275 15 4 " Balance to Profit and Loss 3942 19 2 Account .... .... .... 21557 0 0 _____________ ______________ _______________ _______________ £33809 7 1 £88832 15 4 £33809 7 1 £88832 15 4 _____________ ______________ _______________ _______________ PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For Period 27th May, 1945, to 18th May, 1946. 1945. May 18th, 1946. 1945. May 18th, 1946. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Dividend declared 28th June, By Surplus as at 26th May, 1945 1945, at 7½% per annum 24337 18 6 as per Certified Accounts.... 26108 19 3 - for 3 years less Income Tax 219 1 11 698 6 11 " Income from Properties .... 546 6 9 " Depreciation written off " Interest on Investment— 2600 0 0 Stands, &c. .... .... .... 2500 0 0 3 4 6 Consolidated Loan .... .... 3 4 6 " War Damage Repairs incurred " War Damage Commissioners 1459 12 1 " during year .... .... .... 1083 3 4 1510 0 0 payments on Account .... 343 18 8 323 17 9 " War Damage Contribution .... 323 17 9 " Amount of Income over " Transfer to Reserve for 3942 19 2 " Expenditure .... .... .... 21557 0 0 - " Deferred Repairs .... .... 12500 0 0 " Transfer to Reserve for Taxation .... .... .... 12000 0 0 26108 19 3 " Balance Carried forward .... 19933 6 2 ______________ _____________ _____________ ______________ £30492 9 1 £18559 9 2 £30492 9 1 £48559 9 2 ______________ _____________ ______________ ________________