236 T. G. Jones It was decided that Sunderland F.C. be 228 informed that at present, we were not desirous of parting with this player. Prices of Admission Following admission charges were agreed:- Ground 1/3, Paddock 2/-, Goal & Ends of Bullens & Goodison Rd. Stands 2/6, Centres 3/6, reserved seats 5/-, Season Tickets £3/10/- with extra 10/- for Registration of named seat. Election Scoreboard Quotation of £5,400 was read from the Automatic Telephone Co. It was agreed that this player was too high for the need. Secy. was instructed to enquire of the possibilities of P. A. "tape-machine" installation. F. A. Division 3 Agreed to nominate Mr E. Green as a 38 F. A. Councillor for this Division. Professional Players It was agreed that the terms now be offered Engagements to players as follows:- 227 J. A. Grant & W. Birkett £3 Summer, £6 Winter, & if able to take full time arrangements, £6/10- Summer £9 Winter. E. Barber 30/- per week Summer & Winter. W. Owen 30/- Summer £3 Winter. R. E. Siddell Decided to offer this demobilised groundsman £4/10/- per week. P. L. Lovett It was noted by T. P. McMurray's report that this player was physically doubtful for the future. Knowsley Agricultural It was agreed to donate Ten Guineas Show to this cause which had been promoted in the interest of the Bootle Hospital. Nest Meeting Friday, July 5, at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct. Wm. C. Gibbins 5/7/46 Chairman.