233 5/ A sum of £12,000 be reserved for Income Tax purposes. 6/ The Statement of A/cs; Profit & Loss a/c & Balance Sheet be approved. 7/ Payment of Dividend at 7½%, less Income Tax, on the Paid-up Capital of the Company, be made. A. G. M. It was agreed that this be held on Friday, 217 July 5, commencing at 7 pm., & that the Auditors, Messrs T. Theo. Rogers, Bowler & Co., should take charge of the necessitated commitments. Sloan (Tramnere R.) Secy. reported that player wished to 230 stay in the South & had been transferred to Arsenal F.C. for £4,000, thus precluding us from obtaining his services. Livesey (P.N.E.) Letter read from the player, notifying that 231 he had signed for Bury F.C. as a full time professional, without giving any indication previously, that he was prepared to considered such an engagement. Cardiff Players Reported that the Club were not yet (Under Separate Names S & C) 227 227 prepared to part with Sherwood or Clarke. Irish Players Mr. E. Green & Secy. reported upon their week's All indexed under Separate work in Ireland, which resulted in an offer names 233 to Distillery F.C. of £650 for Bremnan & £350 for S. Ewing with equal extra figure should either player have 6 games in our 1st team. These offers having been turned down, an offer of £500 had been made for Ewing. Further, Belfast Celtic had been offered £2,000 for the transfer of J. F. (Robin) Lawter & the Club were to consider this. Peter Farrell (L. H.) & Thomas Eglington (O. L.) of Shamrock Rovers had been approached to join us, & further news was pending. London Meetings Mr. G. Evans stated that he could 231 not now attend the A. G. M. of the Football League.