231 Livingstone (Bury) Noted that transfer had been effected at 229 £1,500, player to receive maximum League wages. Livesey (P. N. E.) Sec'y reported that he had offered this 229 players £3 Summer & £6 Winter wages. Rawlings Reported that Plymouth Argyle F.C. had 228 signed this player on & had agreed to meet our fee of £500. Langton & Hodgkiss Reported that these players were being 227 227 kept in mind, in view of their on the 11th inst. London Meetings Agreed that suggested alteration to 131 Rule 45 of the Football Association, be not supported. And that the L'pool & Lancs. County F.A.'s be informed of our ideas. Messrs Gibbins, Green, Evans & Searle expressed their intention of travelling to London for the various meetings. Agreed that our representatives should support a ground admission price 1/6 d. Electric Scoreboard Adoption of this principle was agreed, & Safety Control particularly having in mind the lesson of the 228 recent tragedy at Bolton. Letters of Thanks These noted from J. Price Committee; 48 Cheadle Health Juniors; R. C. Bell; H. Catterick & M. W. Lindley. Indemnities The following were provided & approved:- 220 Mr. L. J. Goodburn for Shares 2267 & 361 to 364. {W. D. to complete details} Xors. C. Foxcroft for Share Nod. 2256. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- 228 Shares Nod. 1684 to 1686 from existing Trustees of John Ford on appointment of new Trustee to replace one deceased. Next Meeting Tuesday, May 29th 1946 at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins 28/5/46 Chairman.