
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, May 14, 1946.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter, M. D.,
			  G. Evans, J. P., W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle C. C., F. W. Lake & Sec'y.

			Minutes of Meeting of May 7th & 11th, were read &

Finance			Receipt was reported of:-
		Gate v Lancashire XI				£2419. 3.7
		Lancs. F.A.			Cup Pool	£  60. 0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Bury F.C.		    re Livingstone	£1,500. 0.0
		Football League		Bolton Disaster Fund	£  500. 0.0
		Lancashire C.C.C.	    Rebuilding Fund	£1,985. 7.0
		Customs & Excise		Tax		£  445.11.5
		P. A. Y. E.					£  442.14.0
			Bank Balance £711.1.3 Cr.
			It was agreed to draw a further cheque
		for £14.13.0 in favour of Lancs. C.C.C. making the
		gross result of Donation £2,000.

Brennan (Distillery)	Mr. E. Green was impressed by this forward's
	202	ability. He was 20 & a shipyard worker. He had
		heard good reports of Blanchflower, 18 yr., 5'10", I. F.
		of Glentoran.
			Agreed that he & the Sec'y proceed to watch
		the players, with powers to secure if satisfied.

Cardiff Players		Sec'y reported his pressure on the Cardiff
	224	Club re Sherwood & Clarke, but that there was a
		stalemate due to Mr. Spier's absence.
			Agreed that Finance Committee deal
		with any information available on 17th inst.

Sloan (Tranmere)	Sec'y was given powers to £3,500
	229	to secure this player.