228 T. G. Jones Reported that Preston Nth. End were not 226 now interested in the future of our player. Professional Engagements Following offers were approved:- (x F.T. Pros.) H. Catterick £7/10/- Summer & £10 Winter. A. Ashley £208 per year. C. Tatters £5 per week to May 3, 1947. J. Cookson, G. Makin, P. R. Lovett & F. Griffiths 30/- per week Summer whilst in Services. R. L. Doyle Agreed that we grant an Association 129 transfer of this player to Yeovil & Petters F.C. whilst he is unavailable to us. Sec'y to safeguard our interests, in the written terms of arrangement with the Club. Election Scoreboard Agreed that the installation of this be considered at the Next Meeting. J. S. D. Rawlings Reported that Plymouth Argyle F.C. had 178 offered £350. Decided that they or Luton Town could have the players services for £500. Players to Watch Messrs Green & Searle to see 220 Brennan & O'Flanagan. Share Registration Application on behalf of Mrs. E. McA. 2 Cattrall was sanctioned, subject to Mr. J. C. Bryson's advice. Transfer of Shares Followings was approved:- 226 Shares Nod. 1370 & 2200 from H. Redford to D. B. Redford. Next Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 1946, at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct Wm. C. Gibbins 14/5/46 Chairman.