
Ahearn (B. Celtic) 224	Mr. R. E. Searle did not recommend this R. B. yet.

Robinson (M'bro)	Mr. W. Laine gave a report of this L. B.,
		& it was agreed that we enquire his price.

Langton (Blackburn)	Mr. H. R. Pickering had seen this O. L. mainly
	223	playing at L. H. so could venture no opinion.

Childs (Wellington)	He thought Childs physique & style of play
		eminently suited to the F. B. position.

Burke (Luton)		Sec'y was empowered to sign this player
		as a professional.

Directors Away		T. Cardiff:-	Messrs W. C. Gibbins, R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake.
			T. Bury:-	Mr. W. R. Williams.

T. G. Jones		Decided to defer for one week consideration
	286	of this player's transfer to Preston & to sign him at the
		maximum wage upon his demobilisation.

? time & other Pros.	Agreed that the following be paid:-
	207	   W. Edwards	£6 per week to May 1947.
		   W. G. Keenan	£3/10/- Summer & £4/10/- Winter.
		   N. W. Sharp	£3	   do  & £5 Winter if in other
		employment. (See below).

S. Simmons		Decided to re-engage this groundsman
		at £4 per week.

? Heath		Agreed that we donate £25 to this
Sports Club	Club from whom we obtained H. Catterick.

Transfer of Shares	Following was approved:-
	224	Shares Nod. 449 & 2278 from W. O. Orford to H. F. & P. O. Orford &
		D. A. Barber, New Trustees of Estate of Joseph Orford.

T. Pros. (cont. above)	W. Birkett	£6 Summer £7 Winter.
	see 207		J. R. Hedley	£4/10/0 & £6
			J. A. Jones	£2/10/- S & W whilst in other employment.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, May 7, at 5 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct
						Wm. C. Gibbins
							7 May 46