THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE LTD. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders held on the 29th April last the following decisions were made affecting the signing of Professional Players as and from the 4th May 1946. These are issued for the guidance of Clubs:- 1. All Professional Players require to be signed on a contract before they can play in Competitions. 2. Contracts are of three kinds:- (a) Full time contracts (b) Part time contracts (c) Contracts on a matchly basis 3. Players on Full time contracts can be offered wages with a maximum of £10.0.0. per week in the Playing Season and £7.10.0. per week in the Close Season, as their League Service warrants. The Maximum wage which may be offered to a player on first signing as a Professional is £6.0.0. per week (previously £5.0.0. per week) with annual increases of £1.0.0. per week to the maximum of £10.0.0. weekly in the Playing Season and £7.10.0. weekly in the Close Season. 4. Players on Part time contract. This affects only those players who by consent and approval of the Club are permitted to undertake civilian employment. The terms of such contracts are a domestic matter for the Club, subject only to the Regulations governing payment of wages. 5. Players on a matchly basis. The following players can only be put on a contract embodying payment on a matchly basis:- (a) Service Players (b) Players who are on Essential Work and thereby liable to direction by the Ministry of Labour. Such Players may be signed on a matchly wage of £5.0.0. with the proviso that in no one week is the maximum wage of £10.0.0. weekly to be exceeded. In addition to the above, Clubs may pay Service Players a maximum of £3.0.0. weekly during the Close Season. NOTE. This applies to Service Players only. 6. Clubs must proceed at once with the engagement of Professional Players and in any event must notify Players by May 11th at the latest, the terms offered or the Transfer Fee required. 7. League Retrain and Transfer Lists must be completed and returned to the League Office not later than the 4th May. F. Howarth 1st May 1946 Secretary PRESTON, Lancs.