
		of 35/- per week.

F.A. Amnesty		Decided that no attempt be made to
		ask the F.A. to remove their verdict on the Company
		with regard to our action in the termed "Mercer" case.

F.L. Meeting		Noted that this would be held at 1:30 p.m.
		on Monday, the 29th inst., in London.

J. Arthur		It was agreed that no engagement should
		be offered to this player.

A. W. Barber		Noted that this player was still in the
	203	Army as a tubercular patient & that no liability
		was on the Company. Sec'y to write at suitable time,
		asking F.L. Benevolent Fund Committee for their support
		of an appeal for financial assistance.

Transfer of Shares	Following were passed for transfer:-
	213	Share No. 976	from	Herbert Cooke	to R. Gaul.
		   do	  1032	 do	I. R. Doherty	to    do.
		   do 2191 & 1179 do	G. Davies	to    do.

Next Meeting		Tuesday April 23rd 1946 at 5 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct.
					W. C. Gibbins
						Apl. 13/46