
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday, April 16, 1946.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter, M. D.,
			  G. Evans, J. C., T. Percy, Capt. R. A. O. C., W. R. Williams,
			  R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake & Sec'y.

			Minutes of Meeting of 9th inst., were
		read & confirmed as were the details of Finance
		Meeting of 11th inst.

Finance			Receipt was reported to cheque from:-
		Bradford P. A. F.C.		Share of Gate		£162.19.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		    Tax			£144.15.6
		Theo. Kelly			 Wages & Xes.		£300. 0.0
			Bank Balance £5515.5.3. Cr.

Nominations for Directorate Sec'y reported formal nomination of Mr. J. C.
		Sharp to go before Electors at the next A. G. M.

McIlhatton (Albion R.)	Sec'y reported that our offer of £5,000
	219	for this player had been accepted & that he was to travel
		north on April 23rd to sign the player after his
		Club's game on the 24th inst.

Cardiff Players		Mr. E. Green recommended the acquisition
		of Sherwood (R. B.) & Clarke (O. L.).
			Agreed that the price for both be
		enquired, & considered at next Meeting.

Maddison (Doncaster)	Mr. H. R. Pickering had nothing to say
	219	in this O. L.'s favour &

Rothwell (Southport)	Mr. R. Bentham gave a very poor
		report of Rothwell, C. F., of Southport F.C.

Staff	188		It was agreed that Mr. J. W. Dickinson
		should have his salary increased to £450 per
		year, & that the Sec'y be empowered to employ a lady
		clerk, additional to the present office staff, at a wage