
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Tuesday, April 9, 1946.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter M. D.,
			  G. Evans, J. P., W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C.,
			  F. W. Lake & Sec'y.

			Apology was received from Mr. T. Percy (on holiday).

			Minutes of Meeting of 2nd inst. were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v Chesterfield		£3864. 3.0
		 do  v Tranmere Rovers		£ 368.11.9
		Air Ministry, Rehabilitation Practice Ground £1026.9.6
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	    Tax		£1512.12.1
		Chesterfield F.C.	Share Gate	£ 616.17.6
		Tranmere Rovers F.C.	    do		£  92. 0.6
		L'pool County F.A.	    do		£  19.15.8
			Bank Balance £6354.5.0 Cr.

Directors Away		To Chesterfield:- W. C. Gibbins & W. R. Williams.
	60		To Cup Final:- Messrs Gibbins, Green, Evans, Lake.

Bristol City Players	Mr. E. Green prepared Bailey to Guy but did
		not recommend either. He thought Bentley did well
		at C. F.

Sherwood & Clarke	Mr. G. Evans strongly recommended the F. B.
(Cardiff City)	who had played on the left, & who was a minor; & also
		Clarke, the O. L. who 19, 5'8½" & an apprentice engineer.

Maddison (Doncaster)	Mr. W. Laine gave an excellent report
		of this O. L. 24, 5'6½", 10 st., who was demobilised.

McIlhatton		Sec'y reported that he had offered £4,6000
	216	for this player & this would be considered by the Club
		who had asked for a virtual figure of £5,6000. He